Navigating the chaos of everyday life is not for the faint of heart
Throw managing your finances into the mix and now you have the perfect storm for stress and burnout. That is, unless you are a member of a credit union that has your back during some of the most difficult times in your life. Here at SunWest, we know just how overwhelming things can get when it comes to your finances and we strongly believe everyone needs a partner to help them on their journey.

Take control of your future with our financial education series called “Ask SunWest”
This program was designed with you in mind. The student who just graduated high school and is now approaching the daunting task of shifting from carefree teenager to college student, on their own for the first time. The 22-year-old who just secured that beloved first job and is on the way to learning how to adult.
Or perhaps you’re the new parents trying to find enough money for bills, diapers, formula, food, date nights, and house repairs (since the roof will inevitably start leaking). Whoever you are, and whatever walk of life you are from, SunWest wants you to know that we see you and we are here to help!

Send us your questions via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the comment section right here on our blog and we’ll do our best to guide you through all things money related
Our first series will discuss the importance of establishing a solid financial foundation through saving money and investing in your future self. Check out our first video brought to you by our very own Joseph Folan, and stay tuned for the next video in the series. Here’s to dodging obstacles, jumping hurtles, and living life on your own terms!
Learn more about Ask SunWest and see just how much we care about our members.
September 20, 2019
Published by SunWest Credit Union