
How Hispanic Heritage + Cultures Shape the Way We Deal With Money

Employees share how their Hispanic heritage and cultural traditions influence their financial habits, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of culture and finances.

To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re shining a light on one of the major cultures in this Arizona melting pot. We sat down with a few SunWest employees to hear personal stories about how their cultural backgrounds within the Hispanic community have influenced their lives, including their approach to finance.

Join Nancy, Sally, and Alex as they share valuable insights into how their cultural traits influence their day-to-day lifestyles and banking habits.

What is your Hispanic heritage?

Nancy: Mexican

Sally: Guatemalan

Alex: Mexican-American

Understanding someone’s cultural background is key to appreciating how traditions influence their financial habits. This mix of Mexican and Guatemalan roots provides a glimpse into the rich diversity of Hispanic cultures, each with its own customs, traditions, and financial practices.

What events or traditions do you celebrate that are specific to your culture?

Nancy: Mexican Independence Day. Though this holiday is on September 16th, we celebrate the day before.

Sally: We celebrate Christmas starting December 24th. I remember as a kid we would wake up super early and start prepping for making tamales. We would clean and cut the banana leaves, make the masa, sauce, cut and cube the meats and start wrapping them. We also go hard on birthdays! Carne Asada is a must, jumpers, water balloons, pinatas, candy bags and Cumbia music are just some staples to those special events.

Alex:  I grew up celebrating Mother's Day in the USA and Mexican Mother's day. We also celebrate quinceañeras as a traditional celebration.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is about celebrating the unique traditions that keep these cultures alive. These traditions reflect the values of family, celebration, and community that are central to Hispanic culture. Celebrations like these also come with important financial consideration–from planning elaborate quinceañeras to budgeting for the carnicería for big family cookouts.

What is a misconception people have about your culture?

Sally: Not all of our families have 50 people. Some of us have really small families, and that's okay. Also, there are so many different types of us: Mexican, Guatemalan, Salvadorian, Nicaraguan, etc. Oh, and not all tamales are the same! Don't let the banana leaves and aluminum foil fool you. Underneath that, there lies a delicious delicacy that is best paired with a bolillo, or french roll as its called in English.

Tamales, a common symbol of Hispanic culture, come in many variations. The act of making tamales is often done as a family activity as it takes a lot of work and is best done in big batches. This writer would also like you to know that Puerto Ricans have a similar food to tamales called pasteles. Like Sally’s culture, we use banana leaves. They’re delicious!

How was your experience growing up? Were traditions important to your family?

Nancy: Growing up, I was taught to keep our traditions alive. If we had kids, we were to show them and explain to them how important our traditions are.

Sally: Traditions were very important in my family. My parents would emphasize never forgetting where we come from. Guatemala is rich in family traditions; working hard and trying to make a better life for yourself and your family. That is what my family did, and that is what I am doing now. I will also keep this going with my daughter. Spending time with the family was so important to my parents. We would always sit down and eat dinner together and talk about our day; every Saturday morning, as soon as you would hear the music turn on, you knew it was cleaning and laundry day. Sunday was church, and as an adult I still continue to do all that with my little family.

Alex: My experience growing up was nothing less than fun! I grew up attending family parties frequently, gathering around the dinner table and attending church every Sunday to give thanks for what we had.

For many in the Hispanic community, keeping traditions alive is more than honoring the past–it’s about shaping the future. These shared experiences of family closeness and communal gatherings highlight how cultural traditions can foster strong financial values–whether it’s saving for special celebrations or making sure the knowledge and value of hard work is passed down through generations.

Is your familiy more progressive or traditional with their finances?

Nancy: Traditional. Both of my parents have more than one job. I was taught at a very early age to always have savings for a rainy day.

Sally: I feel my family is very traditional in their finances. They are big savers. They only like to spend on necessities. Now, that doesn't mean we don't spend. We totally do, but it’s for the important things like houses, cars, quinceañeras, weddings, trips back to the old country and, of course, DISNEYLAND!

Alex: Growing up, my dad was all about paying "cash" for everything. He didn't believe in debt or having to owe someone money. My siblings all began working for banks shortly after high school, and that's when our mindsets changed. We began learning the aspect of "credit" and how important it was in order to purchase larger items.

In Hispanic cultures, financial practices often reflect a mix of tradition and practicality. While some families stick to cash-only spending, others are evolving with the times. These diverse financial approaches show that cultural influences play a huge role in shaping financial habits. The value of hard work, saving for the future, and prioritizing spending on family-oriented experiences stand out in all their stories.

How Does Your Heritage Influence Your Spending/saving Habits?

Sally: In my family we learned to save. My parents immigrated here from Guatemala in the 80s, so working and saving was key to their survival. My dad, since I could remember, would always tell me to start saving for a house. A house is one of the biggest investments you can make, and he was right. Also, not to buy expensive clothes because you are going to grow out of them, and they are going to get messed up in the dryer! 

Alex: My dad always told me to not spend more than what you make. Growing up, I had to earn my allowance. That taught me the value of a dollar and the rewards of working hard.

When it comes to managing money, many in the Hispanic community have been shaped by the experiences and advice of previous generations. It’s clear that Hispanic financial habits are often grounded in traditional advice passed down through generations, from savings for a house to making sure you don’t spend beyond your means.

Who Has Had A Major Influence In Your Life?

Nancy: My mother. She taught me to never give up.

Sally: My dad and my dad's best friend. They’ve taught me everything I know. If it wasn't for them teaching me about money and saving and investing early on in life, who knows where I would be right now? Because of them, I know what working hard is and what "salir adelante" means: Keep moving forward in life, no matter what obstacles you might encounter.

Alex: My dad.

This Question Is Very Important: Favorite Food Dishes?

Nancy: My mother’s cornbread, tamales, menudo and, of course, capirotada. It’s kinda like a bread pudding but not. 

Sally: Oh man! This is a tough question. My favorite breakfast food is chorizo con huevo, with black beans, queso fresco and some warm corn tortillas. That right there is the breakfast of champions! My favorite all-time, non-breakfast food would be caldo de res, which is a beef soup with delicious broth, veggies and meat. I will even eat that in the summer. I am sure you have seen the memes, but look them up if you haven’t.

Alex: I love all Mexican food! Especially pozole & tamales during the Holidays.

No conversation about culture could be complete without talking about food! We couldn’t resist asking about their favorite dishes. Food is a universal language, and for Nancy, Sally, and Alex, their favorite dishes connect them to their heritage and bring their families together.

Anything Else You’d Like To Share?

Nancy: Growing up, my parents made sure that we kept our traditions alive even after we moved on with our lives. My goal since I was younger was to make sure that my father became a US citizen. A few years ago, I was able to make that happen. That has been one of my greatest accomplishments in life.

Sally: Our favorite movie is apocalypto. We are hardcore fans of our soccer team...even though we never win. Caldo de res, Vicks Vapor Rub, and Sprite can cure any illness, and we enjoy having a good time with our family and friends.

Our employees’ stories reveal the depth of influence that Hispanic culture has on their lives, from the way they celebrate family traditions to how they approach financial planning. National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to reflect on the strength, resilience, and vibrancy of our community and be reminded how important it is to embrace and celebrate this shared heritage.

Join the conversation! Share how your culture has influenced your relationship with money on social media.

September 15, 2024

Published by SunWest Credit Union

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