Hey, what's that sound?
There, in the bushes, it sounds like something's about to–POUNCE! It's our ocelot cub, Pounce, in his homemade Halloween costume! Pounce is always super excited for Halloween.
Who doesn't love dressing up and getting candy?! Join Pounce as he gets ready for spooky season with DIY Halloween crafts that won’t haunt your savings account.

Easy costume ideas for kids
Pounce’s favorite Halloween activity is making his own Halloween costume. He's made half of his DIY costume so far. Help him finish the rest so he's ready for a spooky night of festivities! Ask your parents to post your final creation on Instagram + tag us @SunWestFCU to have your masterpiece featured!
The most important thing to remember when making your own costume is to be creative! Use what’s already in your closet + sprinkle in some imagination!
- For an easy ghost costume, wear white clothes and paint your face with white and black makeup.
- How about a classic vampire? Slick your hair back, throw on all black, and draw some red drops on the side of your mouth. Bonus points if you have a black sheet that can be turned into a cape!
- For more whimsy, you can transform into a mermaid! Try a purple shirt, green pants, and make a paper tail to add at the bottom. Finish it off with colorful glitter makeup and a seashell crown, and watch your back for any sea witches.
Monster Tip #1:
Start a Halloween Savings Fund now or shop the sales the day after Halloween, so you’re ready to go big next year!
Get spooky with simple halloween decorations
- Carving pumpkins is a fun, budget-friendly activity! To keep pumpkins from rotting and getting icky, parents can use a diluted bleach solution before carving.
- Paper roll monsters are another great budget option. Keep toilet paper and paper towel rolls, add colorful paper, paint and/or markers to create your own mini-monster army!
- Turn empty jars into lanterns for a creepy glow with paint and LED lights. This is a great way to reuse those sauce jars you never want to throw out.

Movie magic night
Plan a movie night with family favorites like Hocus Pocus or The Nightmare Before Christmas. Cozy up, pop some popcorn, and create memories that’ll last forever!
Monster Tip #2:
Skip expensive snacks, and make your own treats! Cut up some apples, grab a caramel dip and some fun toppings, and make a caramel apple tray!
Trick-or-treating with a twist
Pounce loves an adventure! If you’re looking for a fun alternative or addition to trick-or-treating, you can mix it up with a candy treasure hunt! Hide candies in creative places around the house, and make a game of finding them.
Monster Tip #3:
Make the candy last longer and learn the value of saving at the same time! “Deposit” that trick-or-treat candy in the kitchen bank, and have a piece a day or when you do something awesome you’re proud of.

It’s important to make the most of every moment, especially during the holidays. That’s why SunWest is here to help you create magical memories with smart savings tips. Start planning now, and remember, every little bit saved today means more fun tomorrow!
Download the activity sheet to help Pounce complete his Halloween costume, and learn more about how to start your Pounce account today.
September 25, 2024
Published by SunWest Credit Union